Another cracked animated series from the Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" programming block, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Volume One's blend of superhero action and skewed humor should provide plenty of nourishment to fans of offbeat animation. The Aqua Teen Hunger Force are a squabbling trio of fast-food items (milkshake, fries, and a ball of hamburger meat) that have joined together to fight a host of monsters, aliens, and mad scientists in their native New Jersey. Fans of traditional cartoons may find the surreal plotlines and low-fi animation unmanageable, but viewers who enjoy other Adult Swim programming like Space Ghost Coast to Coast (series creators Chris Willis and Matt Maiellaro are veterans from that show) will find the Force's adventures side-splitting. The two-disc set, which features 16 episodes from the series' first two seasons, is supplemented by commentary by Willis and Maiellaro on three episodes, including an early version of "Rabbot." Disc 2 has a pair of Easter eggs that feature deleted scenes. --Paul Gaita
Customer Review: One of the dumbest, greatest shows spawned from Adult Swim
Here are the original airings of the ATHF series, and by far the most groundbreaking as far as the show goes; Totally ridiculous, and yet somehow it all makes sense. Not for the few grown-ups who don't like cartoons,however.ATHF has a huge cult following though, and what is there not to love? Mentally challenged Meatwad, the talking, living, meatball, to Carl, the crazy, undersexed, and ultra-desperate Italian stallion neighbor,(who also manages to get maimed in almost every episode), or what about Shake, the giant cup from your favorite hot dog stand who's sarcastic, manipulative, and sadistic to boot,(usually towards Meatie). Overall excellent 1st season. Highly recommended!
Customer Review: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Great Show!
another great show from adult swim. this being one of the first shows they ever did and this is the first season. this season isnt as bad as season four though anyways not the point if you like adult swim buy this dvd
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Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Volume One
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